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This week, we're shining the spotlight on Jason Afara, Solutions Engineer from a whole family of engineers 🛠️.

❓ What made you decide to work at Fiix?

✨ Fiix gave me an opportunity to leverage my experience from manufacturing to support customers across the world. In this position, I believe I am able to support people and their maintenance teams make a significant impact on their businesses.

❓ What has been the highlight or your most proud moment since starting at Fiix?

✨ A highlight of mine at Fiix was travelling to Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom in 2019 🌍.

❓ What motivates or drives you?

✨ Continuing to get better each day, finding the small changes that can eventually lead to a major impact.

❓ What made you interested in becoming an engineer?

✨ My dad, and 2 older brothers have chemical engineering degrees as well. I was fortunate in my position (as the youngest) to see the success and opportunities they were given with that degree. Luckily I enjoyed and was good with math and science.

❓ If Fiix organized a talent show, what do you think you would do?

✨ Try and convince a group of peers to join me in either re-enacting a scene from The Office, or sing a Backstreet Boys song🎤🎶.

❓ Are you an early bird or a night owl? Why?

✨ Currently transitioning from night owl to an early bird. I think the working from home life has caused me to wake up a bit earlier and spend some time outside on a walk or run before starting my work day🏃.

❓ What's your favourite thing to do on the weekends?

✨ Currently, spend as little time on Zoom calls and as much time outside 🌳.

❓ What is one thing you miss now that you are not working in the office?

✨ The people! Working in an office brings a different level of energy to my work day.

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