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The contest is now closed.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated! Prize winners will be contacted by DM.

Happy Birthday!

The Fiixers is turning 4 years old this month. We were the first maintenance platform to launch an online community for our users, and four years later, we’re still going strong--with best members in the biz.

Thank you for making our community the place for maintenance pros to connect.

Just look at what we’ve achieved together:

  • In four years, we’ve grown to 2281 members in 101 countries
  • Since our humble beginnings, you’ve asked 513 maintenance questions in Help Others
  • Last year, we had 105 questions asked by members, with 271 replies

To those who have been with us since the very beginning, we salute you! đŸ’Ș

And those of you who have joined more recently, welcome!Â đŸ€ 


The Birthday Contest

To celebrate our 4th year and all that we’ve achieved together as a community in that time, we’re once again holding everyone’s favorite giveaway contest. Because what's a birthday without presents?

Entry is simple. Since birthdays are a time to look both forwards and back, simply reply to this thread with your answer to each of the following two questions:

  1. What is your favorite thing we’ve done in The Fiixers community? This could be anything from an article to an event to a webinar. Tell us why it was especially helpful or meaningful to you. Links encouraged.
  2. What do you most want to see from The Fiixers in 2025? Again, this could be anything, so let your imagination run free!


We’ll select five lucky winners to receive a Fiixers prize pack in the mail.



The contest runs until February 14th, 2025

Thank you

Your answers will help us to craft more of what you want to see in our community going forward, so it’s a win all-around. We can't wait to hear what’s made an impact on you and where you see The Fiixers heading.

Here's to another great year of helping, connecting, and collaborating with your fellow Fiixers 🏆


Leave your answers below! 👇

Definitely my favorite addition has been the Learning Center!

I have trained myself to be knowledgeable, and can use the learning paths and courses to train our maintenance team! It makes the process of having everyone up to date so simple. 

I’d like to see more work in cycle counting of parts and supplies we have on hand. I feel this process is a little complicated and would love to see some simplicity. Also forecasting for determining parts usage has been a great tool for us so far and we’d love to integrate it even more into our daily routine and in budget preparations and beyond.

  1. One of the things I’ve enjoyed most in The Fiixers community was the webinar on predictive maintenance with CMMS. It was packed with practical tips and real-world examples of how to use data to avoid breakdowns and boost asset reliability. 

  2. I’d also love to see more regional meet-ups or networking events. The community is such a great resource, and creating more opportunities to connect in person and exchange ideas would make it even stronger. Looking ahead to 2025, I’d love to see The Fiixers focus more on interactive training, things like virtual workshops, hands-on case studies, or even AI-based simulations for solving real-world maintenance problems. Having a way to learn, practice, and get real-time feedback would be a game-changer.

  1. Our company decided to choose Fiix CMMS in Jun.2024. Since then our Implementation project succesful made between Aug-Oct. I was the lead of Implemenation team of my company, we had great consulting from Implementation consaltunt who is (Guilermo Pezet). He helped us very well and he consultad me to use and learn from Learning center there is very good lessons and free. It helped me very well also Video help of each function of the Fiix CMMS. So I took a all badges from Learning Center. And I created a several types of Analytics for my department and executives which I learned from Learning center Analytic session. It’s very helpful and reguralry reports to important people.
  2. Our some engineer and techninicians have a language barrier (me also sometimes), because our company located in the Mongolia. I taught to my engineer and technicians to use Google chrome and Google translate extension. It is very good solution to using Fiix CMMS without language barrier. But Learning center session doesn’t support Google translate extension. If Learning center lessons possible to support Google translate extension it will fix language barrier who cannot understand English.

Thank you

1.- The application has been very easy to access, practical and fast. It is better than previous software

2.- Being able to add editable tool modules with reasonable costs

I am new to using the Fiix system but, have found it pretty simple to navigate. I would like to see the ability to set shifts with the shift start and end hours in order to assign techs to these shifts. The ability to exception a person off of a shift if they are not working the day. Along with this a report that shows management the available labor hours for each shift in order to better load balance PM work orders. 

1 - The FIIXER community is great for helping people who are less comfortable with a CMMS. I have looked through the questions and answers from people in the community and my observation is that someone has a solution in the community. Also the SupportFIIX team is fast and efficient. Congratulations for your 4 years Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada) 

La communauté FIIXER est super pour aider les gens qui sont moins a l'aise avec un CMMS . J'ai parcouru les questions  et les reponses des gens de la communauté et mon constat est que quelqu'un à une solution dans la communauté. Aussi l,équipe SupportFIIX est rapide et efficace. Bravo pour vos 4 ans  Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada)


2 - Ce que j’aimerais le plus voir en 2025 c’est l’arriere du dĂ©cor. Les Ă©quipes doivent travailler trĂšs fort  pour etre compĂ©titif et efficace Ă  la fois. 

What I would most like to see in 2025 is behind the scenes. Teams have to work very hard to be competitive and efficient at the same time..

Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada) 


1 - The FIIXER community is great for helping people who are less comfortable with a CMMS. I have looked through the questions and answers from people in the community and my observation is that someone has a solution in the community. Also the SupportFIIX team is fast and efficient. Congratulations for your 4 years Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada) 

La communauté FIIXER est super pour aider les gens qui sont moins a l'aise avec un CMMS . J'ai parcouru les questions  et les reponses des gens de la communauté et mon constat est que quelqu'un à une solution dans la communauté. Aussi l,équipe SupportFIIX est rapide et efficace. Bravo pour vos 4 ans  Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada)


2 - Ce que j’aimerais le plus voir en 2025 c’est l’arriere du dĂ©cor. Les Ă©quipes doivent travailler trĂšs fort  pour etre compĂ©titif et efficace Ă  la fois. 

What I would most like to see in 2025 is behind the scenes. Teams have to work very hard to be competitive and efficient at the same time..

Jocelyn Audet PEMAC MMP (PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada) 


PEMAC Asset management Association of Canada

I would say the addition of analytics to the system has to be the greatest achievement.  I’ve been trying to learn it as time allows, but for the most part, it is easy to use and navigate.  The online videos in the Learning Center are a big help to understanding how to get the info I’m looking for into a report format.


Fiix Forward 2024 I was able to attend for the first time.  I was able to learn a lot, not only from the guest speakers, but also from fellow Fiixers.

I am looking forward to joining again in 2025!!

  1. I like the addition of the learning center.  It has been very helpful being able to work through items within the program.
  2. I’d like for there to be more webinars / meetings closer to South Carolina.

What is your favorite thing we’ve done in The Fiixers community? 

Having the forums for users to ask questions, that are easily navigable for troubleshooting. As well as an updated API FAQ. Additionally, the support team is great with responding to questions and report building. 


What do you most want to see from The Fiixers in 2025? 

I would like to see:

  • More KPI templates for more of an RnD facilities. 
  • A cleaner dashboard
  • A full roll out of V6 (our client is still on V5, and cannot migrate)
  • SM’s with customizable fields
  • A better way to track hours worked on WO’s 
  • A way to remove a Work Order Status from the lookup table without having to delete every WO that was ever associated to that status. 
  • Colour coded calendar
  • An SM calendar built into Fiix that doesn't have to use PowerBi
  • A less cumbersome way to attach links to the Files within the assets
    • A way to move all files to an external server and have those files made into links 


Hi ​@DanielDeal thanks for your thoughtful responses! The second part of your submission would be a great fit for our Wish list forum where you can share and discuss your dream CMMS features. 

Hi ​@Gantulga you’re absolutely right, our Learning Center currently doesn’t support other languages, but we’re actively working on improving this. In the meantime, some customers have found that the Google Translate extension helps with this issue. With a specific setting enabled within the extension, they can highlight sentences on the portal for instant translation. The extension also automatically translates entire pages into their chosen language, so it should be a useful solution for your team. 

​@Adam we loved having you join us for FF24 🙂 glad you left Memphis with some key takeaways, looking forward to welcoming you back next time!
