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Keeping things running is a non-stop job. And itā€™s easy to see all the breakdowns instead of all your progress. Thatā€™s why as the year comes to a close a few of our Fiixers have some words of encouragement. We hope our pep talk reminds you to take a step back and reflect on all youā€™ve accomplished with your maintenance program this year before leaning in to keep planning your big ideas for 2022.



To help you with those big ideas,

šŸŽ unwrap ourĀ package of handy templates šŸŽ

and make 2022 a great year for your maintenance team

The package includes:

  • A template for establishing goals, KPIs, and metrics for your maintenance team.
  • A checklist of activities to help you purchase, organize, and track parts and supplies so you can cut costs and boost efficiency.
  • A template to design a maintenance budget from scratch and track all your costs.
  • A presentation template to build a case for your next big maintenance project so you can secure budget and buy-in.
  • A framework to prioritize deferred maintenance so you know where to spend your teamā€™s time, money, and resources.
  • A failure mode and effects analysis template to map failure modes for critical equipment.


From all of us at Fiix, we wish you and yours all the best this holiday season.

Hereā€™s to working together to build stronger communities and a more sustainable world in 2022!

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