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The month of January marks the two-year anniversary of The Fiixers community! It’s been a wild ride as we’ve grown from a simple vision to connect maintenance professionals to a dynamic community of over 1,500 Fiix CMMS champions in 137 countries.

Thank you for being a part of The Fiixers!

To celebrate, we’re holding a contest. Entering is simple. Just reply to this thread with your answer to the question:


What was your biggest win with Fiix in 2022?


Here are a few guidelines to help you craft your answer:

  1. What problem were you trying to solve?
  1. How was Fiix used as part of the solution?
  1. What was the result?


How do you win?

The three answers to get the most likes from other members will each win a prize pack, so be sure to get in there and 👍 the ones that made an impressive impact. We hope these answers also inspire other members with new ideas of what they can achieve using Fiix.

Okay, with that out of the way, now on to the important stuff
 the prize pack. We’ve got an assortment of Fiix branded gear up for grabs, including our new headlamp! 🔩



The contest runs until Friday, February 10th, 2023.


We look forward to reading about all the great ways you’ve used Fiix over the past year.

Hi everyone,

I’m Trong Ha. Our company have been using Fiix for a few months. Fiix CMMS help us to solve a lot of work in Asset management and maintenance. Today I’d like to share a case I like most.


  • Our company often has equipment rotation activities such as: providing equipment for projects, lending between departments, etc.
  • Paper or excel records are not enough for management, often omissions lead to loss of company assets.
  • The company wants to monitor the situation of equipment rotation between departments, locations, and the person in charge.


  • We used the Fiix Rotating Asset function to solve this problem. By enabling this function, we can record all moving transactions.
  • We also customize the Asset Move History report a bit to summarize the rotation information as needed by the manager. It is a complete and useful report.


  • View the current location of the asset moved to:
Asset location
  • View rotation log:
Asset Log
Asset Log Details
  • Export report immediately and schedule:
Asset Move Report


I hope my sharing can help you to solve the same problem if you encounter it in the future. Thanks for reading and have a nice day! 😉

So, this is actually something I’m working on currently.  We are a small nonprofit outdoor education facility, and we currently have a crazy spread sheet and no real tracking of vehicle maintenance. I'm spearheading the effort to transition everything scattered all about into Fiix and to start using Fiix for future “write-ups.” and tracking of information, inspection reports, maintenance and repairs. Ill let you know in a year how it's going, but I'm excited for the prospects.

Kristy Cook - TRIS USA

We purchase consumables for machinery all the time. We have one particular part that is a big chunk of our budget every month (like 8K), but because we didn’t track usage and have the ability to forecast, it was always a guessing game as to when we needed to order and when we would run out.

I began to expand my knowledge of FIIX, and scheduled work orders to use these parts and determined the usage per week, month and year. Then FIIX forecasting came along and we solidified a plan to purchase based on “short and long” months, and “lean and full” budget months. Now we know exactly where that 8K is going to come from during the year. We can also check with technicians to see why more or less of this particular part was used in a time period.

The result is 8K in our pockets some months to focus on other projects, and a steady supply of parts that we don’t fear running out of - thanks to FIIX we have a plan! Sounds simple, but implementing it has become a game changer for us.

What was our biggest win with Fiix in 2022?

  1. What problem were you trying to solve?
    1. Covid created absenteeism due to illness.
    2. High staff turnover due to retirements and “quiet firing” by management.
    3. Results could be deferred maintenance, loss of institutional knowledge, and increased maintenance costs.
  1. How was Fiix used as part of the solution?
    1. Fiix data was available in office, remotely, or on handheld device = easy access to data.
    2. Data within Fiix and the ability to quickly find that data gave the technicians on site the information needed to perform work despite constraints such as fewer technicians at work, low morale, supply chain issues, and economic uncertainties.
    3. SMs continued to automatically generate critical work orders within Fix which meant that critical assets were maintain and that they continued to function.
  1. What was the result?
    1. Staff continued to be engaged and equipped to maintain the assets.
    2. Data retention and ease of access via Fiix mitigated equipment downtime, facilitated timely repair of equipment, and provided technicians with the information needed.
    3. The use of Fiix ensured that our 24/7/365 operation was able to meet regulatory standards, continued to protect the environment, provided the citizens with the service they require, and maintained our expensive and complex assets.


  1. What problem were you trying to solve?

My company is a third-party O&M service provider for solar assets. This means that most of the work we track in Fiix ends up on an invoice for our clients. For years, we have had our technicians log their labor hours in both Fiix and in a separate time-tracking application we use for payroll. The problem with this was:

  • Duplicative data entry for technicians created inefficiency and increased possibility of error
  • Discrepancies between the two software could result in inaccurate billing
  • Current Fiix data entry method was clogging up work orders with custom fields and unstructured data that was hard to analyze and report on effectively
  1. How was Fiix used as part of the solution?

Thanks to Fiix’s API access we were able to integrate our time tracking software with Fiix. Technicians are no longer entering duplicate time entries; instead, it all flows seamlessly from our time-tracking software to Fiix. None of this would have been possible without open access to the Fiix API, their extensive reference documentation, and the support of our customer success manager and the Solutions Engineer team. The API has been a powerful tool for our company, especially as a small business trying to connect our disparate software systems.  

  1. What was the result?

We are just beginning to see the benefits of this project since we officially implemented it at the top of 2023 after months of planning and building. We are predicting increased accuracy in our billing and KPIs. 

In my opinion, the biggest benefit of this project is for our technicians. We’ve been able to remove 30 custom fields that had previously clogged their view in the work orders. And we’ve received positive feedback on all the time and frustration they’ve saved from eliminating the duplicate data entry.

With out grown out our CMMS a worthy solution was found with Fiix.

Problem to solve: find a cmms platform which was scaleable in order to meet the demands of the business and have the API links in order to advance our predictive maintenance strategy. Also, have a good mobile App in order to give technicians an easy to use platform. 

Solution: Fiix was able to satisfy and exceed the expectations and requirements of our new CMMS, the App is easy to use for the technicians and the website provides an easy platform to manage maintenance activities.

Result: I think the attached file speaks for itself


The contest is now closed.

A big thank you to everyone who entered! Winners will be contacted individually.
