The potential to deliver value is massively increased when everyone is pulling together in the same direction and speaks the same language. Asset management tools and technologies are always important but it is the engagement of the workforce, the clarity of leadership, and the collaboration between different departments that creates best-in-class organizations [The Institute of Asset Management].
Someone once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. This means no matter how well your procedures and work orders are written, if the staff lacks buy-in, the outcome may be sub-standard. The ideal organization will understand the mindset of the working level. They will use the business analyst to make scheduled visits to listen, assist and train. By implementing a defect elimination program, staff becomes aware of attending to even minor problems before they become bigger issues. The goals and objectives of an asset management system begin with the mission statement, asset management policy, and strategic asset management plans. But without a properly configured CMMS, it won’t matter how well the SAMP (strategic asset management plans) are articulated.

It takes time however to influence culture. And winning people over requires a back-and-forth dialog which listens and explains the benefit. This type of communication however improves the trust level and enables an organization to do more with less.
Have you been able to create solid foundation for a reliability culture at your organization? Where are you on this pyramid? What building blocks are you struggling with most?