Reimagining industrial operations (McKinsey & Company)

  • 10 September 2020
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Reimagining industrial operations (McKinsey & Company)

⚡ A 38% drop in energy consumption
💧 A 28% reduction in water use
🗑 A 20% cut back on waste
👷 A 60% improvement in plant safety
🏭 A 10% bump in OEE

It's pretty clear that for German chemical and consumer-goods company Henkel, investing in maintenance means investing in a sustainable business.

In this compilation, McKinsey experts and corporate leaders describe emerging opportunities for industrial operators (including oil & gas companies, miners, and cement makers) to help lead the way to a lower-carbon future. Ranging from hybrid-electric equipment and digitization to business-model innovation and supply chain reorientation. 

“...companies themselves have a window of opportunity to adapt their operations to help reduce the disruption that climate change will ultimately bring.”


Did these quick-hit overviews provide you with any inspiration or leave you with questions? Share your thoughts with the community. How are you charting your own sustainability journey at your organization?


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