Always search first to see if the information you want to find or share already exists in the community. If the question or topic hasn’t been created yet then it’s time to create your post and wait for your peers to respond.

💡 The Fiixers Community Tip - you can subscribe to other members’ questions or posts if you want to get notified when there are new replies and be sure to 👍 their content to let them know it was helpful.

👉 Click on the top right corner to add your new post.

👉 Select a question if you have a specific problem you need help solving and then wait for members to submit their answers. Select a conversation to start a discussion with members on a specific topic. Select a Wishlist Idea if you have a product suggestion for our Product team to consider on their roadmap.

💡 The Fiixers Community Tip - When you get an answer that solves your problem, you can mark it as the “best answer” to help other members find it quickly and let your peer know they helped you out! The Fiix Community team will also mark a “best answer” to ensure it rises to the top!
👉 Create a title that is short and descriptive in summarizing your post to help other members know what you’re looking to solve or wanting to discuss.

👉 Add content to provide details and background so members know exactly what you’re looking for and can quickly jump in with their answers, comments or ideas.

👉 Embedding media, adding an image, attachment or a url is incredibly easy by clicking on these icons in the content section. The more details you can provide will be helpful for other members to share their expertise.

🚨 Reminder - don’t share any private or confidential information on your public posts.
👉 Select the right subcategory for where you want your post to appear. Click here to see a breakdown of available subcategories.

👉 Add tags to describe your post in keywords, this will make it easier for other members to find.

👉 Make edits or add more information by going to the post you want to change and hover over the three dots on the bottom right corner and click “Edit”. If you’re unable to edit, simply flag the post for the Fiix Community team or email us and we’ll be happy to help make your changes.