New Group

Fiix It Launch đź›  for the Troubleshooters and Tool Handlers

  • 25 May 2021
  • 2 replies
Fiix It Launch đź›  for the Troubleshooters and Tool Handlers
Userlevel 5

In The Fiixers we’re always striving to find new ways to unlock more value for everyone who uses Fiix. So, building off the collaborative success of our CMMS Q&A forum, today we’re launching a new group, Fiix It. 


This is a dedicated group for technicians, electricians, millwrights...essentially anyone on your team who fixes equipment. The forum will focus on asking questions, posting photos, seeking advice, and sharing expertise specific to maintaining and repairing assets, machinery, and equipment.  

We have an incredible depth of expertise across our global user base and want to test if this new group enables you or your team to share all the “fixing” knowledge you’ve built up during your careers.

For quick context, we reco posting pictures to get help with problem-solving issues that surface daily, or something cool that others could benefit from.


If you’re repairing and maintaining equipment, assets, and machinery we invite you to click here to join AND also ask that you please invite your team to become a Fiix It group member.

And, then let us know what you think, as over time our plan is to evolve our groups to be specific to industry/role to keep increasing the value for our members.

Our goal is that through open communication and sharing tips and tricks we can learn from one another to create safer workplaces and better maintenance practices everywhere.

Thanks for helping us launch the Fiix It group - we couldn’t do it without you.

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

I like this idea. But, how do i share it with my coworkers?

Userlevel 5

@mtperkins check out your email inbox as am sending you an invite you can forward to your colleagues that has all the links and group information...happy you like the idea and we hope to see your team in the community soon.


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